The Secure Edge: Daily Round-up of Infosec Blogs — Issue #53

Het Mehta
3 min readJan 14, 2022

Hola!!! Here is your refreshed Today’s Newsletter filled with bunches of informative items to keep you updated in the Information Security Industry and enrich knowledge! Have an Optimistic Day.


“The reality is life is a single-player game. You’re born alone. You’re going to die alone. All of your interpretations are alone. All your memories are alone. You’re gone in three generations and nobody cares. Before you showed up, nobody cared. It’s all single-player.”

Infosec Punch:

The complete GraphQL Security Guide: Fixing the 13 most common GraphQL Vulnerabilities to make your API production ready —
A description of the 13 most common GraphQL vulnerabilities and how to mitigate them.

Stream: Creating Target Specific Wordlist!!
This is a recorded session on creating target specific wordlists that I did on Discord at a member’s request. I may have missed a few things, and there may h… — Web3 Security
A searchable curated repository of Web3 tools, ctfs, ,101s, vids and bounty programs brought to you buy

Troy Hunt: No, I Won’t Link to Your Spammy

Bug Bounty Methodology — Web Vulnerabilities Checklist | by Aaryan | Jan, 2022 |
Hello guys, it’s me again. I know malware analysis might be boring because of debugging and code analysis especially for the people who are just getting started. So, I decided to change the topics…

Past Issues:

The Secure Edge: Daily Round-up of Infosec Blogs — Issue #52 |
The Secure Edge: Daily Round-up of Infosec Blogs — The Secure Edge is a daily written email/newsletter, which is a curation of the best Cyber Security content of

The Secure Edge: Daily Round-up of Infosec Blogs — Issue #51 |
The Secure Edge: Daily Round-up of Infosec Blogs -

Twitter Tadka:

I Hope You enjoyed this issue; Give feedback on Twitter to improve your Feed :-)

