The Secure Edge: Daily Round-up of Infosec Blogs — Issue #2

Het Mehta
3 min readNov 19, 2021


QOTD: “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” — Walt Disney

Sometimes the best thing you can do for your growth is changing your surroundings. — Friday Motivation.

Faking Smart Industry: A Honeypot — driven approach for exploring Cyber Security Threat
Faking Smart Industry: A Honeypot — driven approach for exploring Cyber Security Threat Landscape — -Authors: Ahmed, Mohiuddin (Edith Cowan University); Rashi…

Fake Ransomware Infection Spooks Website

Android App Traffic Decryption using Nox Player — Windows Guide — Google

Written Information about Android App Traffic Decryption & Defeat Certificate Pinning By ZwinK.

GitLab disclosed on HackerOne: Stored XSS via Mermaid Prototype…

Harvest Finance Uninitialized Proxies Bug Fix Postmortem — $200k Bounty | by Immunefi | Immunefi | Nov, 2021 |
Software development is an iterative process, and mistakes can happen at any time. That’s why, in the practice of developing software, there is usually a team of QA Engineers — who act as a second… disclosed on HackerOne: Stored XSS in Email Templates via…

Summary: Stored cross-site scripting (also known as second-order or persistent XSS) arises when an application receives data from …

Seamlessly Discovering Netgear Universal Plug-and-Pwn (UPnP)

This report detailed a vulnerability in the UPnP daemon included in many Netgear SOHO Devices. Exploitation of this vulnerability allows attackers on the affected device’s network to obtain RCE as root on the SOHO device. The exact list of devices affected by these vulnerabilities is included in the Bug Identification section.

Simple SSRF Allows Access To Internal Assets | Caffeine’s

By Sam

